"Hound's Hill" Polish Mini Series On 'Netflix' -- Paints A Dark, Ugly, Gloomy, Very Unflattering Picture Of Poland.
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I really hope Poland is NOTHING like what it is depicted in this poorly made series. Good story that could have been told so much better, & more compellingly. By the middle of the 4th episode I was Fast Forwarding & I totally gave up with about 15 minutes to go! I rarely do that. But it was bad & painful. Not a slick production. 'They' still have much to learn.
It paints a VERY SAD, depressing picture of Poland!
I hope that all of Poland is NOT like this.
I have only 'been' to Poland once. That was in 1968. We did NOT stop. We were in a train going through Poland to Russia. I remember it was a dark night & we saw nothing.
I the mid-1980s I was real close with a Pole -- 'Tom Gelipter'. He was Polish & had come to the U.K. to work. He was cool. We were close.
I don't think I have associated with any real Poles since then -- meaning those born & raised in Poland.
I can't believe that Poland is really like what was depicted. Yes, some very fancy houses & they all dressed well. So there must be money.
Thing that struck me the most was the SMOKING. Non-stop. Nearly all of them -- in all situations. It was bad. They smoked over dead bodies, smoked in the morgue. Not right.
I wasn't impressed.
Did not like it. Gave it a RARE thumbs down.
So, YOU have been warned.
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