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'Spencer', 2021 'Princess Di' Movie On 'Netflix' -- I Am NOT Sure What To Make Of It, Has A LOVELY Line In It (SMILE)!


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Let me start with that great line so as not to leave you in suspenders:

"Leave. I wish to masturbate".

I thought it was classic & in a way sums up what this movie is all about. It sets out to SHOCK us about 'Di'. There is bit of potential lesbianism during which her 'admirer' says that the best epitaph for Di down the road would be: 'Diana the Shocked'.

This movie keeps on trying to shock us.

It is NOT a flattering portrayal of Diana. Kind of -- nah, actually VERY -- SAD. And this before her tragic, untimely passing.

Of course, a lot of what is in this movie is CONJECTURE.

Not sure that this is truly spelled out. We will never know what actually happened.

If you have watched 'The Crown' on 'Netflix', as I have, you would know some of this -- the lead up, background & context. Nowhere near as slick, polished & grand as 'The Crown'. Done of the cheap.

IMDb lists a whole bunch of 'goofs'. WOW! Look it up.

I personally was struck by the car. As far as I knew Di liked 'Jags' & owned a series of black, convertible XJs. [I owned a similar one, in black, until quite recently.]

If you are into Di it is worth watching BUT I suspect you will feel let down -- maybe even betrayed.

I am NOT a huge Di fan, but I liked & admired her in the main. How couldn't you. She was the genuine article. I have never liked 'Charles'. He is a dork.

So, this is my take. I am kind of amazed that this movie has NOT been sued. It really does a hatchet job on poor Di.



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