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Senate Democrats Most Likely Will CAVE Tomorrow When It Comes To Government Shutdown -- It Will Be The Last Straw.


Click to ENLARGE. News snippets from 'Google News'.
I contacted BOTH my U.S. Senators today & told them to prevail on gutless, 'poor excuse for a man' Chuckie S. But it is unlikely to make a difference. Chuckie will CAVE as he always does. Gutless, spineless ... pathetic. 

I now realize that this is what the Democrats ARE! No fight. Kind of like what they used to joke about Italians. Will run a mile to avoid a fight.

I now realize that even 'Obama' CAVED -- during the 'ObamaCare' Congressional fights. We ended up with a poor, watered-down compromise.

When they cave I will have no choice. I can no longer, in good conscience, support them. I like politicians & political parties with guts, BELIEFS and the courage to stand-up for what they believe. I realize the Democrats are NOT capable of this. They are WEAK, aimless, gormless ... just pathetic. 

No wonder they lost EVERYTHING last November. 

It now occurs to me that the Democrats will NEVER BE IN POWER for the remainder of my life! I easily see at least 12-years of TOTAL REPUBLICAN RULE ahead of us & the keyword there is 'AT LEAST'. I doubt whether I will live that long. I am already on borrowed time.

Well, I was a CONSERVATIVE/REPUBLICAN for much of my adult life. Looks like I will be switching, for the last time. tomorrow.



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